Harnessing the power of open APIs to rapidly build your institutions digital ecosystem
March 11th 2021
3:00 PM GMT | 4:00 PM GMT+1
Through a series of practical demonstrations this session will showcase how academic institutions are harnessing the power of open APIs to rapidly build their institutions digital ecosystems.
Listen to this recording and see how using APIs to seamlessly integrate a digital preservation platform with research repositories and discovery platforms is critical to ensuring your data is preserved and accessible for the long-term.
Hear from expert practitioners at Cardiff University who have just rolled out Jisc’s Repository plus system, and from University of Manchester who are using APIs to provide secure and open public access to items that were previously only available behind a paywall.
This 45-minute webinar will cover:
- The importance of having a trusted digital preservation solution
- Top tips including:
- Workflows and productivity gains from integrating a research information system (Converis)
- Connecting digital preservation to discovery platforms (Alma/Primo)
- Working with the community to drive forward flexible integrations (including Pure/EPrints)
- How to quickly and easily build a digital archive to promote open discovery and collaboration
- Kellie Snow, Research Data Manager - Cardiff University
- Jan Whalen, Digital Preservation and Systems Manager - University of Manchester Library
- JISC and Preservica digital preservation experts