Using Starter to securely share stories of U.S. Servicewomen
Amy Poe — Collections Manager, Military Women’s Memorial

Overcoming 4 common digital preservation challenges with Preservica Starter
Covering multiple roles with limited time
Meeting the needs of donors and funders
Backlog of assets to make accessible
Building a digital archive within budget
How was Amy Poe, Collections Manager at Military Women’s Memorial, able to use Preservica Starter Plus to meet the digital preservation and access needs of her donors?
Amy faced a wide range of challenges, including a small team managing multiple collection responsibilities, a limited budget, a backlog of material to digitize and make accessible and a requirement to make their oral histories available online with the assurance that they were protected for the future. With Preservica Starter Plus, Amy was able to succeed in making their collections easily accessible and secure online, here’s how:
Meeting preservation, access and customization needs
- New portal introduced in conjunction with new website
- Aligned to new branding standards
- Provided a custom portal with organized folders for each servicewoman
Ability to co-locate metadata with assets
- Move from spreadsheet only metadata to association with specific assets
- Potential to link collections metadata to holdings in other repositories
- Opportunity to adopt Dublin Core more widely as a uniform standard
Taking access to institutional resources to a new level
- Ability to enhance exhibits and travelling exhibitions with QR codes
- QR codes link directly to portal and the stories of individual servicewomen
- QR codes are used to further enhance educational resources
Making it easier for academic institutions to access resources
- Portal makes it easier to share with academic institutions
- Digital collections ensure wider access with no need for physical visits
- Possibility of remote transcription with volunteers
Military Women’s Memorial — About the Collections

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