Digital Preservation in the State of Texas | Virtual Road Show
December 7th 2021
11:00 AM CST | 10:00 AM MST

Join us for this free educational session to learn how some of your forward-thinking peers throughout Texas’ public sector are preserving the state’s rich history and electronic records for future generations using Preservica.
Learn how others in Texas are leveraging digital preservation to both meet mandates and directives for long-term electronic records, and provide secure and easy access for public records.
This peer-to-peer learning event will include a series of expert users from a variety of Texas public sector organizations, including:
- Preserving Texas’ State Archives - Brian Thomas,
Electronic Records Specialist, Texas State Library and Archives Commission - Preserving Texas’ Counties - Christy Costlow, CA, DAS, Travis County Archives
- Preserving Texas’ Universities – Kathryn Slover, Archivist, University of Texas - Arlington
- Preserving Texas’ Cities – Nikole Koehlert, Digital Archivist, Austin History Center
- Buying Through the Texas DIR - Chris Legnon, Regional Director, IQBG Inc

Preservica has recently been added to the Texas DIR which makes it even easier to get started. Our friends at IQBG will cover what this means and share ways to get started digitally preserving immediately.