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ARA, IRMS & Preservica PDP 201617 Webinar: Best Practice in Digital Preservation

June 21st 2017

1:00 AM GMT+1 | 2:00 AM GMT+2 | 8:00 PM EDT | 5:00 PM PDT | 10:00 AM GMT+10

In this webinar you will hear from other ARA members using digital preservation & access to create value at their organisation. Hear from Archivists and Records Managers on how they have tackled the challenge of ensuring their valuable digital content, collections and records are securely preserved and accessible, and importantly, still readable in the long term.


  • Include ARA members and Preservica representatives – including experienced Digital Preservation consultants

Who should watch?

  • Digital Preservation Practitioners: archivists, collection managers, records and information managers, IT managers.