Out-of-the-box catalog integration
Synchronize your catalog with Preservica

Seamlessly link Preservica with your catalog
Preservica synchronizes and shares metadata between systems to create a synchronized view of your archival objects. You can easily view content in Preservica by clicking through the link in your existing catalog system. Out-of-the-box integrations are available for ArchivesSpace, Axiell CALM and Axiell Adlib. Preservica also offers an OAI-PMH API for metadata harvesting.
Boost productivity and achieve more
- Maintain a synchronized view of your archival objects
- Ensure your digital content is preserved and accessible
- Eliminate the need to re-key descriptive metadata or manually recreate collection hierarchy
- Simplify ingest allowing automatic synchronization with your catalog
- Auto-synchronize changes made in your catalog on an on-going basis
- Create one-to-one mapping and easy to click links to the Preservica object in the catalog record
- Uses catalog APIs – no need to use any additional plug-ins
- Developed in collaboration with the Preservica community

How it works : ArchivesSpace example

Maintain a single catalog view
During the ingest of digital content for safekeeping in Preservica the catalog hierarchy and descriptive metadata is automatically recreated in Preservica. An easy to click link to the digital content in Preservica is also added to the catalog entry.

Automatically synchronize after ingest
Subsequent changes to the catalog hierarchy or metadata are also automatically synchronized to Preservica on an on-going basis, even after ingest. In addition, digital objects deleted from Preservica will be removed from the catalog entry.

Metadata and hierarchy mapping
The Preservica catalog integration comes with default metadata and hierarchy mapping. Preservica provides a service to help build other custom mappings.

Achieving more with catalog integration
Sarah Pinard, Processing Archivist at the State University at New York of Buffalo, discusses how Preservica has enabled the archive team to achieve more: providing faster discovery times for users and seamlessly integrating with ArchivesSpace.

How-to ArchivesSpace video
Discover Preservica’s proven catalog synchronization framework with ArchivesSpace in a comprehensive product insights video.

ArchivesSpace in action
Hear from Preservica users as they share their experience of synchronizing Preservica and ArchivesSpace instances to preserve, describe, and make accessible their digital content.