Preserve365® in US Government
Driving efficiency & compliance for long-term US state & local government SharePoint records

US state & local government departments save time, money & resources with Preserve365® for Microsoft SharePoint archiving
Preserve365® automates the archiving & Digital Preservation of long-term SharePoint records. It embeds Active Digital Preservation archiving into Microsoft 365 so archival transfer processes can be automated, access to archived files made faster, more secure & records remain usable & trusted at any time now or in the future.
Click below to discover customer stories

City Government
Driving compliance & efficiency with a central repository for permanent records
- Decommissioning file shares into a city-wide Microsoft 365 tenant
- Mandated retention of 300+ record categories for 50+ boards & departments
- Need trusted repository for inactive & archived long-term records
- SharePoint with Preserve365 embedded records preservation
- Automated transfer of departmental records to the archive from SharePoint
- Self-service retrieval of always readable & trusted records in SharePoint
- More efficient & secure handling of FOIA requests
- Meeting legally mandated policies governing permanent record retention
- Storage is optimized & SharePoint use prioritized for frequently accessed files
- Enhanced security, access controls & accessibility for archived records

School Districts
Complying with IG policies for retaining trusted records in a central repository
- Board policy mandates digital records stored in a secure central repository
- No tools protecting files from obsolescence, removal, loss or corruption
- No robust method to ensure record integrity for FOIA and investigation
- Wanted stricter access controls & improved governance for sensitive records
- Disposition & transfer of records from 14 departments managed in SharePoint
- Records moved to SharePoint ‘submission area’ & validated by records officer
- Copy sent using Preserve365 to central repository (Preservica)
- Long-term records managed in accordance with board policy
- Protection of records now part of record creation process in SharePoint
- SharePoint records transferred directly into the Preservica central repository
- Automatic maintenance of accurate, complete & trusted records
- Enhanced ability to find information for FOIA & investigations
- Ensures access to information against staff turnover & organizational changes

State Government
Automating the transfer of public records from SharePoint to the state archive
- Identifying & appraising records in SharePoint is very manual
- Records are exported out of SharePoint to a separate holding area
- Export process risks data loss, corruption & duplication
- Metadata is manually cleaned up prior to records being uploaded
- Automated records transfer from statewide Microsoft 365 tenancy to archives
- Centralized dispositions review in dedicated SharePoint library
- Preserve365 & Power Automate automate disposition & transfers actions
- Fully automated export & upload of records to archive using Preserve365
- Efficiently preserve & ensure access ‘in-place’ regardless of legal custodianship
- Ensures the integrity of records is automatically maintained
- Fully automate export & upload process
- Pre-populate standard metadata concepts & ‘adjudicate’ in SharePoint
- Free up staff time to focus on value added task
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