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Berea College

Preserving Appalachian History, 100 Terabytes and Counting.

Preserving Appalachian History, 100 Terabytes and Counting.

The sound of Appalachian music is alive at Berea College, and Preservica is working closely with the Special Collection and Archives department to ensure its large and unique sound collection, as well as the rest of its archives, are both digitally preserved and universally accessible.

“Preservica have been a great technical resource, and the solution has not broken the bank”

The migration of such a large collection was an important consideration in the project and had to be perfectly planned and scheduled so that nothing was lost. In 2015, after an extensive research and selection process, Berea selected Preservica as its partner of choice to digitally preserve and protect its collection, and to make it publicly accessible. “The Preservica team is fantastic to work with,” says Rachel Vagts, Head of Special Collections and Archives at Berea. “They have come up with a solution that works perfectly, and we always have a variety of people to answer our questions.” During the selection process of determining what would work well for us, it quickly emerged that Preservica Cloud Edition was the most economically feasible choice for the institution. “Preservica have been a great technical resource, and the solution has not broken the bank,” says Vagts.