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8th Triennial International DLM Conference

September 13th 2017 - September 15th 2017

1:00 AM GMT+1 | 2:00 AM GMT+2 | 8:00 PM EDT | 5:00 PM PDT | 10:00 AM GMT+10

Preservica is pleased to announce we will be exhibiting and speaking at the 8th Triennial International DLM Conference in Brighton. Co-organized by ARMA Europe, The National Archives of the UK and Brighton University.

Join our session hosted by Preservica's Gareth Aitken on Wednesday 13th September at 11.40am

Why you Should Act Now to Protect the Value of Your Long-Term Digital Records

This session will examine the critical role that information managers play in ensuring legal and regulatory compliance for the governance of long-term digital records. Using case studies, a range of strategies and tactics used to achieve buy-in for governance strategies will be explored. The session will feature organisations that have demonstrated commitment to ensuring access to and protection of business-critical digital information assets over successive generations of technology and custodians

If you would like to meet with the Preservica team in Brighton simply click the button below, enter your details and one of the team will be in touch.