ARMA Live! Anaheim 2018, October 22 – 24
October 22nd 2018
1:00 AM GMT+1 | 2:00 AM GMT+2 | 8:00 PM EDT | 5:00 PM PDT | 11:00 AM GMT+11
Preservica is pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at ARMA Live! in Anaheim, LA this October.
Come and meet the Preservica team at booth #351 and join our solutions showcase session at ARMA Live!
Futureproof Your Career with Active Digital Preservation
Monday October 22nd, 11.50 - 12.35
Records Managers have traditionally played a key custodial role in protecting and providing access to long-term inactive records stored on paper and film. As organizations continue to evolve towards near total reliance on born-digital and digitized content, Records Managers need to re-gain visibility into the systems and repositories where long-term records are stored so they can help to ensure the electronic records remain trustworthy over successive generations of technologies and custodians.
This session will include strategies and practitioner case studies examples to help advance your understanding and skills in good long-term digital records preservation practices and advocacy.