Best Practice Exchange (BPE)
BPE is an “unconference” that focuses on the management and the preservation of digital information, and brings together practitioners to discuss their real-world experiences- including best practices and lessons learned. These informal, conversational sessions give presenters and attendees alike a unique opportunity to meet, experience, and cooperate with other practitioners, educators, and researchers seeking to address a wide array of digital challenges.
September 26th 2022 - September 27th 2022
10:00 AM EST | 7:00 AM PST

#WhatDoYouPreseve? Come tell us what you are proud to be preserving
Stop by to see Preservica’s Aubrey Shanahan and Halley Grogan during the BPE Conference to hear about the upcoming #WhatDoYouPreserve initiative happening this October during American Archives Month to highlight your work in digital preservation. We want to know what you are preserving and why it’s important to you.
Aubrey and Halley will also be available to:
- Answer any questions you may have about Preservica
- Discuss the latest Preservica product features (ask about Preserve365 and Remote Contributors)
- Provide live product demos
- Offer product support
They can even show you how you can get started today with digital preservation at no cost.
Time: Available during the conference breaks. Or, schedule some time with us - please email and or use the contact form below.