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Preservation & Management of Long-Term Non-Permanent Records

This webinar will discuss Preservica’s strategy and roadmap to enable government and corporate organizations to ensure vital long-term business records are findable, readable and usable when required.

July 2nd 2015

1:00 AM GMT+1 | 2:00 AM GMT+2 | 8:00 PM EDT | 5:00 PM PDT | 10:00 AM GMT+10

This webinar will discuss Preservica’s strategy and roadmap to enable government and corporate organizations to ensure vital long-term business records (especially those with retention times greater than 10 years) are findable, readable and usable when required.

In particular, the webinar will explore and demonstrate how the newly released extended policy and classification support in Preservica enables organizations to automate control and action over access permissions, retention, appraisal and disposal of long-term non-permanent records and emails.

Who is it for:

  • Archivists and Records Managers from Government and Corporate organizations – but all welcome