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Digital Preservation using Cloud Storage

In this webinar, Preservica and Amazon Web Services will explore how organizations are using the latest durable storage options to safeguard their digital content — including Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier and hybrid models that combine local and Cloud storage.

June 26th 2014

1:00 AM GMT+1 | 2:00 AM GMT+2 | 8:00 PM EDT | 5:00 PM PDT | 10:00 AM GMT+10

In this webinar, Preservica and Amazon Web Services will explore how organizations are using the latest durable storage options to safeguard their digital content - including Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier and hybrid models that combine local and Cloud storage.

What you will learn:

  • How other organizations are leveraging different storage options for secure, affordable long-term Digital Preservation
  • Benefits and considerations of using the Cloud for Digital Preservation
  • Where and how to use different storage options - local, Cloud and/or hybrid
  • How Preservica's Active Preservation platform automates the storage of different content types to different storage options


  • Archivists, Librarians, Record Managers, Business Decision Makers, IT professionals