Webinar: 7 Principles for assessing the long-term sustainability and durability of your digital preservation service provider
This webinar will explore a new Sustainability Charter designed to assess the long-term sustainability and durability of digital preservation service providers that has been independently reviewed and ratified by a working group of major institutions and industry professionals from around the globe.
April 28th 2022
4:00 PM GMT+1 | 11:00 AM EDT | 8:00 AM PDT
Digital Preservation is by its very nature a long-term venture. Partnering with the right Digital Preservation service provider over the long term should also be a carefully considered decision.
This webinar will explore a new Sustainability Charter designed to assess the long-term sustainability and durability of digital preservation service providers that has been independently reviewed and ratified by a working group of major institutions and industry professionals from around the globe.
The Charter incorporates 7 Sustainability Principles that go beyond product functionality to encompass broader long-term sustainability dependencies such as how a provider manages customer’s data, develops and innovates software, operates the service, engages with users and partners, ensures long-term financial viability, practices good corporate governance and importantly, addresses the environmental impact of its business and services.
On the webinar you will learn how to apply the Principles for assessing the long-term durability of your digital preservation service provider as well as practices at your own institution.