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Planning for Digital Fragility in an Enterprise: A Preservica Webinar with Guest Speakers Forrester Research and BT

April 29th 2020

11:00 AM EDT | 4:00 PM GMT+1 | 8:00 AM PDT

Maintaining corporate memory and knowledge is a key component to business continuity, but it is not always easy to do. In today’s environment, employee’s emphasis on short term goals makes retaining knowledge for the long term difficult. Underlining this is a greater risk- the digital fragility of documents employees create.

On this webinar, guest speakers, Cheryl McKinnon, Principal Analyst at Forrester, and Anne Archer, Heritage Collections Manager at BT, discuss the challenges that corporations face in a world where most documents are being born digital and there is an ever-changing technology stack. We also explore the implications of these challenges to critical business records, such as plans, board minutes, intellectual property (IP), and brand assets as well as trends in how some businesses are tackling these challenges.

During this webinar you will learn:

  • How digital fragility is a threat to corporate memory, brand assets, and IP
  • Why enterprise architects need to actively plan for long-term retention of corporate memory
  • The role of specialty long-term digital preservation platforms and standards
  • The need to allocate the right people and resources to a digital preservation program
  • The imperative of trusted digital records in an increasingly fragmented and virtual workplace


Cheryl McKinnon, Principal Analyst at Forrester

Anne Archer, Heritage Collections Manager at BT