11 UK Higher Education Institutions trial Preservica in Jisc Research Data Shared Service
Preservica today announced that its active digital preservation platform is being trialled by 11 UK Higher Education (HE) institutions as part of Jisc’s Research Data Shared Service (RDSS) pilot project.

Preservica today announced that its active digital preservation and access platform is being trialled by 11 UK Higher Education (HE) institutions as part of Jisc’s Research Data Shared Service (RDSS) pilot project.
Across universities, but especially in research, there is a new challenge to manage the large quantities of data now being produced. ‘Big Data’ is providing us with opportunity for new knowledge, but with this opportunity comes compliance requirements from funders, financial constraints and access issues.
Preservica was selected by Jisc to collaborate in developing the shared service, which will allow UK HE institutions to easily deposit data for publication, discovery, safe storage, archiving and preservation.
The ultimate aim is to develop a managed service that can be offered to UK higher education, relieving the burden of building and deploying university IT infrastructure, and enabling best practice in research data management.
“Preservica plays a vital role in the success of the Jisc Research Data Shared Service project,” says John Kaye, Senior Co-Design Manager at Jisc “Preservica’s digital preservation software allows our members to easily preserve and securely share research content. Preservica also brings decades of digital preservation expertise in the education sector, along with an openness to collaborate on the development of new features and functions.”
“This is an important initiative so we are delighted that Preservica is being trialled by so many of the UK higher education institutions taking part” says Jon Tilbury, Preservica CTO. “As an Amazon Web Services Education Competency partner it is an especially good fit and it is gratifying so see AWS being the most popular hosting and storage provider for the RDSS project. We are enjoying working closely with JISC and all the project members to develop a truly valuable shared service for the whole UK academic research community.”
Preservica are also sponsoring, presenting and demonstrating their active digital preservation and access software at the PASIG (Preservation and Special Interest Group) meeting in Oxford on the 11-13 September, hosted by the Bodleian Libraries & DPOC (Digital Preservation at Oxford and Cambridge.) Learn more here
About Preservica
Preservica is changing the way organizations around the world future-proof and access critical long-term digital information – enabling companies to drive innovation, confidently meet compliance and legal requirements and safeguard digital content of unique cultural and brand importance.
Our standards-based (OAIS ISO 14721) active preservation software combines all the critical capabilities of successful long-term digital preservation into a single integrated platform. It keeps content safely stored, makes sure it can be found and trusted, provides secure immediate access, and automatically updates files to future-friendly formats.
It’s a proven solution that’s trusted by a rapidly growing customer base of organizations across the globe - from major corporations, to government bodies, and iconic cultural institutions - including HSBC, AP, BT, Yale, MoMA, 18 US state archives and 15 national and pan-national archives – to name a few.
Visit: www.preservica.com
In the UK: For further information, please contact: Ilona Hitel, ihitel@thecommsco.com, or mobile: 07734 355205.
About Jisc
Jisc is the UK higher, further education and skills sectors’ not-for-profit organisation for digital services and solutions. We:
- Operate shared digital infrastructure and services
- Negotiate sector-wide deals with IT vendors and commercial publishers and
- Provide trusted advice and practical assistance for universities, colleges and learning providers
Visit: www.jisc.ac.uk
For further information please contact: press@jisc.ac.uk