CoSA and Preservica announce new Practical Digital Preservation 2016‐17 training
New program will help State Archivists highlight the importance of digital preservation with Senior Managers, IT and Records Officers at State Agencies.

New program will help State Archivists highlight the importance of digital preservation with Senior Managers, IT and Records Officers at State Agencies
Albany, NY US and Oxford, UK | November 2016 | The Council of State Archivists, the professional association serving the 56 state and territorial archives in the United States, and digital preservation specialist Preservica, are pleased to announce dates and registration details for a brand new joint program of Practical Digital Preservation for 2016-17.
The CoSA-Preservica Practical Digital Preservation Program for 2016-2017 will build on the success of the initial webinar series last year, to include webinars not only for archives staff, but for staff in state agencies, as well. Webinars for senior managers, budget officials, chief information officers, and records officers will help broaden awareness of the importance of electronic records in state government, and the need for increased emphasis on digital preservation. Webinars for state archives staff will continue to provide information on successful methods to preserve digital information, particularly in state government.
Webinars include:
A one hour briefing webinar for State Managers and Budget Decision Makers at State Archives will outline the need for efficient and cost effective management and long term preservation of digital government records.
Another one hour briefing webinar for State CIOs and IT Decision Makers at State Archives will offer information on the importance of digital preservation within state government’s information technology strategy, and the cooperative effort needed to achieve success.
A three-part online Workshop (one hour per session) for Records Officers at State Agencies will provide practical training in the key concepts and processes of managing and preserving e-records throughout the records management lifecycle.
A series of one-hour “how-to” webinars for Archivists and Records Managers at State Archives and other repositories will continue to provide training and information sharing for state archives staff on relevant topics.
Patricia Smith-Mansfield, President of CoSA, states, “Raising the awareness of the importance of digital preservation for state and local government records is paramount to ensure we are all taking the right action to protect the growing volume of long-term and permanent digital records. We are pleased to announce the availability of the new Practical Digital Preservation (PDP) 2016-17 joint training program which enables State Archivists to invite senior managers, IT personnel, and state agency records officers to learn about the value of adopting digital preservation best-practice.”
Jon Tilbury, CEO Preservica adds, “Preservica’s Digital Preservation and Access technology is already in use at 17 State Archives as well as many other government institutions around the world. We are excited to be working on this new program with CoSA, and associate organizations, to broaden the awareness of the importance and challenges of safeguarding long-term and permanent digital records.”
2016-17 Online Briefings Program
Protecting and Preserving Long-Term Digital Information
For IT Professionals & Practitioners – January 24: 2-3pm EST
A guest speaker from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) will discuss the importance of making this a priority for state agencies in today’s information-driven world
The Governance of Long-Term Digital Information
For Senior Managers, Decision Makers & Practitioners – May 23: 2-3pm EST
The briefing will include speakers from institutions that have implemented a digital preservation strategy and will highlight the importance of making this a collaborative relationship between IT, records managers and state archives.
Digital Preservation 101: Putting Digital Preservation into Action
For Practitioners and Records Officers at State Archives and Agencies
Focusing on the needs and concerns of state government records officers, this online workshop is divided into three one-hour sessions that will be delivered in consecutive weeks.
Part 1: Practical training in the key concepts - February 14: 2-3pm EST
Part 2: Practical training in the key concepts - February 28: 2-3pm EST
Part 3: Case Studies - March 14: 2-3pm
“How-To” Webinar Series
For Practitioners at State Archives and Agencies
These webinars furnish practical information for archivists and records managers who work with electronic records and will include speakers from state archives or other government organizations who have direct experience with the topic at hand.
Digital Preservation Storage Choices – December 13, 2016: 2-3pm EST
Connecting Digital Preservation with Catalog Systems – January 10: 2-3pm EST
Preserving and Protecting Audio-visual Files – April 11: 2-3pm EST
Preserving Digitized State Government Records – May 9: 2-3pm EST
Best Practices in Digital Preservation: International Perspectives – June 13: time TBD
Registration and more detail on the CoSA/SERI Website
Notes to the Media
About Preservica
Preservica is a world leader in digital preservation technology, consulting and research. Our active preservation solutions are used by leading businesses, archives, libraries, museums and government organizations globally, to safeguard and share valuable digital content, collections and electronic records, for decades to come. These include 16 US State Archives, the UK National Archives, the Met Office, Wellcome Library, Associated Press and HSBC, to name a few.
Available on premise or in the cloud, Preservica’s award-winning digital preservation and access software is a complete, standards-based (OAIS ISO 14721) trusted repository that includes connectors to leading Enterprise Content and Records Management systems to ensure long-term usability, trustworthiness and preservation of vital digital records, emails and content.
About CoSA and SERI
The Council of State Archivists (CoSA) is a national organization comprising of the individuals who serve as directors of the principal archival agencies in each state and territorial government. These individuals also serve as State Historical Records Coordinators who chair their respective State Historical Records Advisory Boards (SHRABs), a program established by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
The State Electronic Records Initiative (SERI) is a major educational program of CoSA. Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, SERI provides training and awareness-building for electronic records management and digital preservation. Working collectively through their membership in CoSA, the state archivists encourage cooperation among the states and SHRABs on matters of mutual interest, define and communicate archival and records concerns at a national level, and work with the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), National Archives (NARA), and other national organizations to ensure that the nation’s documentary heritage is preserved and accessible.
In July 2011, the Council of State Archivists launched an initiative focused on improving efforts to manage, preserve, and provide access to state government electronic records nationwide. The initiative is managed by the State Electronic Records Initiative (SERI) committee.
Media Contact:
For Preservica
Jennifer Reid,,
+44 (0) 20 8296 1874 or +44 (0) 7920012 356