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Digital preservation — going beyond continuity and storage

The Role of the CIO in Safeguarding Digital Information

March 9, 2016

The Role of the CIO in Safeguarding Digital Information.

"Digital Preservation needs to be built into the corporate information landscape", explains Preservica CEO Jon Tilbury in a recent CIOReview article.

"Protecting information for the long term is clearly part of the CIO's remit, so some are starting to consider how this is done. Most think first about shifting it to a reliable storage location - and this is a good start. As time passes, storage media fails. So, keeping copies in multiple places and constantly checking and "self-healing" from a good copy if a failure happens needs to be built into any storage solution. It is vitally important that data from removable media, laptops, and other volatile locations is saved here as soon as possible.

Good storage is just the start. Many CIO's have been in the IT business for years and can remember back to when they started and used packages such as Lotus 1-2-3, Word or Excel for DOS, Wordstar, or early versions of MS Project. If your information was created by one of these once ubiquitous packages, it is already too late-they cannot be read by today's supported software" here to read on