Does your organization have a digital preservation strategy?
Learn why you may need one in IGI’s interview with preservica’s Mike Quinn.
Learn why you may need one in IGI’s interview with Preservica’s Mike Quinn.
Recently, the IGI caught up with Mike Quinn, Commercial Director at Preservica, one of the newest IGI Supporters, to find out more about what organizations can do to better protect their valuable digital assets to ensure that it is both preserved and accessible in the future....read the full blog here.
Survey: Information Governance and Preservation of Long-Term Digital Records
Whether you work in the public or private sector, if your organization is like most, you probably have digital records and information that you need to - or want to - keep for long periods of time. If that information is important enough for you to keep, you will want to be able to access it in the future.
However, hardware and software obsolescence may be putting your digital records and information at risk. Unfortunately, many organizations are not taking sufficient steps to ensure that this information will be findable, useable, or trustworthy into the future.
The IGI and Preservica are interested in learning how practitioners are addressing these issues and need your help in answering a quick, 5-minute survey, the results of which you can use to help benchmark your organization. All data you provide through this survey will be reported anonymously. The results will be made available through a report in May 2016.
Click here to take the Survey - Thank you in advance for your help.