Forum for Archives and Records Management Education and Research — 7 UK & Ireland Universities first to sign for new Preservica Cloud Edition teaching licence
Preservica licence will enable leading teaching institutions to offer Archives & Records students first-hand experience of using a state-of-the-art Digital Preservation system.
Preservica licence will enable leading teaching institutions to offer Archives & Records students first-hand experience of using a state-of-the-art Digital Preservation system.
Washington DC, US and Oxford, UK | Thursday September 25 2014 | Preservica, part of the Tessella group, and a world leader in digital preservation technology, research and consulting, is pleased to announce that 7 UK & Ireland Universities with courses in Archives and Records Management have already signed up for the new Preservica Cloud Edition teaching licence to enable them to incorporate the use of a modern, state-of-the-art Digital Preservation system into their curriculum. The 7 Universities to be the first to take up the new licence are all part of the FARMER group (Forum for Archives and Records Management Education and Research) and include Aberystwyth, Dublin, Glasgow, Dundee, Northumbria, Liverpool and University College London.
Alex Buchanan, chair of FARMER, UK & Ireland adds “In the new and fast-moving world of digital preservation, it is vital that those entering the field are given the chance to gain hands on experience with the technologies and products that are arriving on the scene. We are grateful to Preservica for helping us to give our students such an opportunity.”
Preservica Chief Executive Jon Tilbury adds, “We are delighted to be working with the leading UK & Ireland Universities in the field of Archives and Records Management. We hope that gaining real-world exposure to a modern Digital Preservation system will also enhance student’s prospects as they qualify and embark on their careers”.
Preservica Cloud Edition includes a full suite of OAIS (Open Archival Information System) compatible workflows for ingest, management, storage, administration, preservation and access to digital content, as well as all hosting, backup, operations, maintenance and support to enable institutions and businesses of all sizes to actively preserve and share their valuable content from one system without needing to purchase and manage local servers and storage.
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Notes to the Media
About Preservica
Preservica is a world leader in digital preservation technology, consulting and research. Our active preservation solutions are used by leading archives, libraries, museums, government organizations and businesses across 4 continents to safeguard and share their valuable digital content, collections and electronic records for decades to come.
The award-winning Preservica Active Preservation and Access technology is available in cloud hosted and on premise Editions and includes a full suite of OAIS (Open Archival Information System) compliant workflows for ingest, management, storage, access and long-term preservation of digital content.
Preservica invests in many research initiatives in digital preservation and is a well-respected member of many international collaborations with academia, archives, libraries and corporations at the leading edge of this emerging field.
Preservica is part of Tessella group, the international analytics, software services and consultancy company.
The Forum for Archives and Records Management Education and Researchfor the UK and Ireland (FARMER) was formed in 1999 for teaching and research staff in the area of archives and records management in universities in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.The membership includes representatives of the seven postgraduate programmes which have been formally recognized by the Archives and Records Associationas providing primary professional qualifications for entrants to the archives and records management profession (UCL, Liverpool, UCD, Aberystwyth, Northumbria, Glasgow and Dundee).
The Forumaims to provide a focus for the discipline of archives and records management in an educational context. An essential part of this is the development and encouragement of teaching and research staff and member institutions.
The current Chair of FARMER isAlexandrina Buchanan at the University of Liverpool.
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Christina Tealdi | Senior PR and Marketing Communications Manager | Phone: +44 (0) 1235 546638 | Mobile: +44 (0) 779 9346453 |