Our commitment to supporting you through the evolving COVID-19 situation
Preservica is closely monitoring World Health Organization (WHO) and regional guidance on COVID-19 and adapting how we work in order to continue to deliver the highest levels of service, support and training.
A message to our valued customer & partner community
I know that many institutions around the world are adapting the way they work and collaborate to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
I want you to know that Preservica is also closely monitoring World Health Organization (WHO) and regional guidance on COVID-19 and adapting how we work in order to continue to deliver the highest levels of service, support and training to ensure your teams can be fully productive even if everybody is required to work remotely for a while.
Many of you will know that we have recently made the planned User Group Meeting in Oxford, UK into an online event which opens-up the opportunity for our US user community and those with travel restrictions to also participate.
Many of our interactions today already involve online collaboration with colleagues and customers, and of course Preservica itself can be accessed through a browser, however, in addition to this a core part of our ISO 9001 Quality Management certification is Business Continuity planning which means Preservica is also well-practised in fully operating our business and services even with all our staff working remotely if needed. We also have a set of operating procedures that ensure all important processes can be executed by multiple people.
Our remote capabilities will allow us to maintain our service and ensure our staff are responsive to your needs through any potential location closures or quarantines, as guided by the WHO and regional or local governments.
This includes:
- Maintaining our core cloud operations and ISO 27001 Security Management
- Providing our usual online support services including the user portal and forum
- Giving online and on-demand user and partner training and briefings
- Working with you on digital preservation projects and on-boarding
- Continuing to develop and enhance our software
The health and well-being of our customers, partners and staff, and families is of the highest importance to us and so we have also taken measures to ensure employee safety. This includes additional cleaning protocols, hand sanitizers, and encouraging staff who feel unwell or who are at risk to stay at home. We have also restricted all international travel until the end of May.
This is a challenging time for all of us, but we are here to support you and your teams as we all adapt to how we work together and collaborate no matter where we may be working from.
Our thoughts are with all those impacted by COVID-19, and we wish everyone well as we all navigate this together.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Mike Quinn
CEO, Preservica