Preservica, ARA and IRMS announce new joint Practical Digital Preservation programme for 2016⁄17
2016⁄17 programme includes new events designed to help archivists and records managers raise awareness of the importance of digital preservation within their business and with their IT stakeholders

2016/17 programme includes new events designed to help archivists and records managers raise awareness of the importance of digital preservation within their business and with their IT stakeholders
Oxford, UK | November 2016 | Digital preservation specialist Preservica, the Archives and Records Association (ARA) (UK & Ireland) and the Information and Records Management Society (IRMS) are pleased to announce the 2016/17 Practical Digital Preservation (PDP) training programme. It builds on the success of last year and introduces a brand-new series of executive briefings, workshops and webinars.
Free to ARA and IRMS members, PDP 2016/17 includes practitioner workshops and webinars, as well as new “Bring Your Boss” and “Bring your IT Manager” briefings that will help archivists and records managers raise awareness of the importance of properly protecting long-term and permanent digital information within their business and with their IT stakeholders.
The new briefings will be two half-day sessions, with the morning and networking lunch aimed at practitioners and business/ IT managers followed by an in-depth practitioner workshop in the afternoon. This will enable archivists and records managers to help their stakeholders to network with others in the same position and learn about the value and need for digital preservation from industry speakers and leading organisations that have already taken action to protect their long-term and permanent digital information assets. In addition, like last year, the programme will include a series of “How To” webinars aimed at practitioners that will cover the latest practical digital preservation techniques and best practice.
Practical Digital Preservation (PDP) 2016/17
The PDP (2016/17) programme introduces a new format combining an Executive Briefing with a Practitioner Workshop for a 1-day event.
“Future Proofing Digital Content to Protect Corporate Value”
Archivists & records managers should invite their senior managers and decision makers to join events taking place in Edinburgh & London.
- Edinburgh – Wednesday, 25th January 2017
- London – Wednesday, 22nd February 2017
“Protecting Digital Information: The Importance of a Digital Preservation Strategy”
Archivists & records managers should invite their IT directors and managers to join events taking place in Edinburgh & London.
- Edinburgh - Wednesday 19th April 2017
- London - Wednesday 14th June 2017
“1 Hour: How-To Webinars” (11am – 12pm UK time)
- Digital Preservation Storage Choices - Wednesday 7th December 2016
- Connecting Digital Preservation with Catalogue systems - Wednesday 1st February 2017
- Digital Preservation for Government Organisations - Wednesday 8th March 2017
- Preserving and Protecting AV Files - Wednesday 26th April 2017
- Best Practice in Digital Preservation - Wednesday 21st June 2017
For bookings, visit:
John Chambers, CEO of ARA said:
“Having focused on the theory of digital preservation in last year’s PDP programme, I am delighted that Preservica have come back to lead this important joint initiative, with its series of practical workshops. This programme has been key to supporting our members’ efforts to raise awareness of the need to properly govern long-term and permanent digital information with their senior management and IT teams. The new ‘practitioner’ element to the workshops will also allow our members to deepen their understanding of best practice in the management of digital content and records.”
Scott Sammons, IRMS Chair added:
“As more of what we all do becomes digital, it is vital for key decision makers within the organisation to understand the risks to long-term digital records, and the impact on the organisation of not taking appropriate action to properly govern digital information to ensures it remains safe and accessible over its full life-cycle. We are therefore delighted to once again partner with Preservica and ARA to deliver this important new joint initiative.”
Jon Tilbury, CEO Preservica adds:
“Preservica’s Digital Preservation and Access software is already in use at numerous ARA and IRMS member organisations, and we look forward to broadening the awareness of the importance of protecting long-term and permanent records through this series of executive briefings, workshops and online webinars”.
Notes to the media
About ARA
The Archives and Records Association (UK & Ireland) is the lead professional and membership body for archivists, archive conservators and records managers in the United Kingdom and Ireland. ARA has around 2,500 members.
ARA supports its members through training, continuing professional development, advocacy, identification of employment opportunities, professional help and advice, and by providing a community through which membership can discuss, and debate developments in the sector, and gather information and advice.
Through its members, ARA is committed to working for high standards in the provision and care of archives and effective records management. Learn more:
About IRMS
The Information and Records Management Society (IRMS) is the leading professional association for information professionals. Formed in 1983 and with a clear commitment to inclusivity across the profession, IRMS currently has over 1200 members in 34 countries and territories world-wide and includes members across all sectors of the business world- both public and private.
The Society is committed to both providing its membership with relevant and high quality training opportunities and also, wherever possible, to partnering with other organisations to deliver joint initiatives of benefit to not only its members, but also to the wider profession. Learn more:
About Preservica
Preservica is a world leader in digital preservation technology, consulting and research. Our active preservation solutions are used by leading businesses, archives, libraries, museums and government organizations globally, to safeguard and share valuable digital content, collections and electronic records, for decades to come. These include the UK National Archives, the Met Office, Texas State Archives, Wellcome Library and HSBC, to name a few.
Preservica’s award-winning digital preservation and access software is a complete, standards-based (OAIS ISO 14721) trusted repository that includes connectors to leading Enterprise Content and Records Management systems to ensure long-term usability, trustworthiness and preservation of vital digital records, emails and content. Visit:
Media Contact
For Preservica:
Jennifer Reid, +44 (0) 20 8296 1874
For ARA:
Jon Elliott, +44 (0) 7587 635 402
Joe Chapman, +44 (0)1625 664520