Preserving science data
A great paper proposing an approach to the preservation of science data based on work at Science and Technology Facilities Council.
A great paper proposing an approach to the preservation of science data based on work at Science and Technology Facilities Council, including the ISIS facility, Solar Terrestrial Physics and the British Atmospheric Data Centre archives. Both facilities have long term data archives.
The ISIS facility, a pulsed neutron and muon source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, UK, has an archive of raw data dating back 25 years. The Ionosonde data holdings from the solar terrestrial data archive contains atmospheric ionization records from a global network of stations, some of which date back to the 1920’s, while the Mesophere-Stratosphere-Troposphere (MST) Radar archive held by the British Atmospheric Data Centres contains over ten years of environmental data from a modern wind profiling instrument based in Wales, UK.
Find out more on the approach taken in the International Journal of Digital Curation article: http://www.ijdc.net/index.php/ijdc/article/view/200/269