Why long-term digital preservation tops the list of hottest topics for information management in 2017
In this insightful article from Preservica partner Crown Records Management, Dominic Johnstone discusses the hottest topics for Information Management professionals in 2017.
In this insightful article from Preservica partner Crown Records Management, Dominic Johnstone discusses the hottest topics for Information Management professionals in 2017.
"The world of information management is fast-moving, driven by rapid advancements in technology - and the biggest challenge in 2017 will be how to ensure data assets remain accessible for the long term. All the signs are that the issue of long-term digital preservation is going to be a hot topic, perhaps the hottest in the industry, in the coming year.
Businesses are suddenly realising that keeping information up to date is not the only thing to worry about – they also need to consider what happens when the format it is stored on becomes obsolete in future." Read more by clicking here.