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Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Texas State Library & Archives Commission Turn to the Cloud to Launch Texas Digital Archive.

Texas State Library & Archives Commission Turn to the Cloud to Launch Texas Digital Archive.

Using Preservica hosted on AWS GovCloud has enabled TSLAC to meet the legal mandate and ensure essential government records remain accessible into the future. One of the primary obligations of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission is to take custody of, preserve, and make available for public use state records and other historical resources that document the history and culture of Texas as a province, colony, republic, or state. This is a role the agency has fulfilled since 1909 for records created in paper-based formats.

“Given our legal mandate, it was vital for us to expand and enhance our digital preservation efforts to ensure these essential government records remained accessible into the future.”

The team at TSLAC faced the challenge of not having a suitable system in place to digitally preserve and make accessible the important and historical state electronic records from Governor Perry’s tenure. “Most of the records created today are borndigital,” says Jelain Chubb, State Archivist and Director, Archives and Information Services Division at TSLAC. “Although much of this digital information has short term retention requirements, there is still a significant amount that we are required to retain and preserve permanently. Given our legal mandate, it was vital for us to expand and enhance our digital preservation efforts to ensure these essential government records remained accessible into the future.”