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The University of Manchester Library

University of Manchester Library’s partnership with Preservica ensures that 4,500-year old objects remain secure and accessible for the future.

University of Manchester Library’s partnership with Preservica ensures that 4,500-year old objects remain secure and accessible for the future.

The University of Manchester Library is one of only five National Research Libraries in the UK and holds a collection of rare books, medieval manuscripts, maps, and historic archives. The library’s varied collections encompass a wide range of formats, covering virtually every medium that has ever been used for writing, even including papyrus fragments – the most famous of which being a piece of St John’s Gospel, believed to be the earliest existing example of New Testament writing.

“For a long time people have had to use various systems to get access to different objects that were stored in different places. Now they can just use the application they prefer to access everything in the collections, which, when we are finished, will all live in Preservica.”

The Library selected Preservica’s Enterprise platform hosted in the Cloud in order to use the platform’s APIs to integrate the system to serve as the backend to its many search-based applications, such as its ‘Discovery’ application.

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