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Essential guide: Safeguarding your vital long-term electronic records

Integrating Digital Preservation into the Information Governance Lifecycle to ensure long-term electronic records are findable, readable and useable when required.

Faster information technology refresh rates, longer retention times, application retirement programs, and the sheer volume and diversity of digital content now means that many organizations are facing the risk that vital long term non-permanent electronic records will not be finable, readable or useable when required - especially electronic records with retention periods of 10+ years or records that are already 10+ years old.

This Essential Guide will explore how forward thinking organizations are already taking steps to mitigate and protect themselves against this risk by integrating standards-based Digital Preservation alongside their existing Enterprise Content/Records Management systems, recognising that just storing information in Enterprise Content/Records Management or Email servers, or in Archival Storage and Backup only provides “bit level” protection for long-term records and not a mechanism for ensuring future readability.

What you will learn:

  • The risks (and consequences) to long-term non-permanent electronic records (especially those with retention times of 10+ years)
  • The recognized standards and approaches for the long-term preservation of digital content and records
  • How other organizations are mitigating the risk to long-term electronic records by integrating Digital Preservation into the Information Governance lifecycle
  • Why it is only a matter of time before information and risk assessment auditors begin to ask for evidence that long-term non-permanent electronic records are being properly safeguarded

Who should read this Essential Guide:

  • Information Management professionals
  • Information Governance Managers
  • Privacy and Compliance Managers
  • Records Managers
  • Content and Document Managers
  • Archivists
  • IT Architects and Managers

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