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Preservica Partner Program Brochure

The digital preservation market is growing rapidly, creating new opportunities for partnership helping us create differentiated solutions for your clients. The Preservica Partner Program provides business, technical, marketing and go-to-market support to help you expand your offering and grow your business.

The Global Preservica Partner Program is based on your business needs, offering three distinct types of partnership designed to support the long-term digital information requirements of customers in different ways.

It provides business, marketing, go-to-market and technical services to help you to grow your business and expand your offering to clients. As a Program member, you will have access to the latest Preservica presentations and solutions to demonstrate to your clients how you can help them to digitally preserve their critical digital content and information, as well as having the sales and marketing knowledge to be able to do this confidently, with the relevant enablement tools and support from Preservica when needed.