Preservation in real time: delivering value to your institution & community during a global pandemic
May 13th 2020
4:00 PM GMT+1 | 5:00 PM GMT+2 | 11:00 AM EDT
In this day and age learning from the wider archival community is more important than ever. There is a critical need and opportunity to capture COVID-19 pandemic materials and in the past weeks, Preservica launched the #ourcovid19story initiative as one way to assist archivists in sharing what materials are being captured and preserved and why this is important to their institution and the communities they serve.
Hear guest panelists from a range of sectors openly discuss their plans and projects, including the drivers for preserving in near real-time such as mandates to preserve public records, governance policies, internal & external communications, websites, oral histories, and ephemeral materials of historic interest. Panelists share best practice for collection methods, community engagement, and creating stakeholder value – with the opportunity for audience participation and engagement.
Panelists include:
- Katherine Chorley, Digital Archivist - The Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
- Marta Crilly, Archivist for Reference and Outreach - City of Boston
- Vicky Stretch, Archivist - Network Rail
- Sarah Cogley, Digital Archivist - University at Buffalo
- Kate Telford, Digital Archivist - Rhode Island Department of State
- Amanda Noble, Archivist - Lloyds Banking Group