Preservica launches fully-redesigned Universal Access with new levels of presentation for digital content
Preservica 5.8 adds enhanced media streaming and content rendering, controlled, secure and public access, and advanced search and discovery for digital information

Preservica 5.8 adds enhanced media streaming and content rendering, controlled, secure and public access, and advanced search and discovery for digital information
Boston, MA US and Oxford, UK | 12 July 2017 | Digital preservation specialist, Preservica, today announced the latest version (v5.8) of its cloud-hosted and on premise Digital Preservation and Access solution.
Preservica 5.8’s new Universal Access portal enables enhanced digital content search and viewing, with fast Audio/Visual (AV) playback alongside high-performance image and document rendering, and secure internal or public access. Preservica customers can continue to be confident that their digital information is not only safely preserved, but also securely accessible for decades to come.
This new release builds on Preservica’s success in enabling libraries, archives and businesses to create value with digital preservation. With newly added security controls across all levels of access, organizations can easily control what information can be searched and viewed by the public, research users or internal teams.
A fully re-designed access portal gives organizations an intuitive, highly engaging and customizable web interface to attract new audiences – all via a single integrated preservation and access system. With new detailed reports, users can demonstrate the provenance of their records or access the knowledge needed to effectively manage collections.
Preservica v5.8 also includes greater control over the deletion of preserved content including new authorization levels and retention periods.
New features included in Preservica v5.8:
Fully re-designed Universal Access (UA) user experience
New customizable layouts present the most rewarding browsing and searching experience. Instant streaming of AV files with skip forward/back plays only the section of interest and full screen image and document rendering with pan and zoom enables detailed image viewing. Enhanced search capabilities with powerful new sorting and metadata hyperlinks gives faster content identification.
Secure authenticated access controls to entire collections or individual records allows opportunities to present selected and different information, in a controlled and secure way, to multiple new audiences – e.g. public, researchers or internal departments
Fully responsive so audiences can access information on any screen size or device.
Greater data protection
Accidental loss of data is prevented with new retention period controls, authorization rules, audits and configurable email alerts to administrators.
Provenance & authenticity
Responses to legal, compliance or research requests are addressed with a new easy-to-read proof report containing the entire history of a single file. Additional fixity checks can be added on demand to compare current and original data with proof that nothing has been modified.
Enhanced data management and reporting
Collection management is improved with new storage reports across adaptor types, available on demand or as part of the dashboard. Existing automated system checks are complemented with administrator defined fast file and metadata checking across collections.
Latest preservation capabilities
The greatest choice of preservation and file migration options can be accessed with the newest versions of DROID, Jhove, PRONOM signatures and AV file format signatures.
Jon Tilbury, CTO Preservica adds “This new release highlights the core of what Preservica is all about. As a digital preservation company, we are always looking for additional ways to help customers protect their valuable digital information for decades. But as well as preservation, we also know the true value comes from being able to find, use and trust that information. With the new Universal Access, our aim is to give our customers’ users the same satisfying experience they have come to expect from consumer-style search and discovery.”
Preservica v5.8 is already released to Cloud Edition users and will be available for Enterprise Edition users from July 20th 2017.
Preservica is running a product briefing & demo webinar:
Preservica v5.8: Demo & Overview of New Features – Thursday, July 20 2017, 10am-11am, EST, 3pm-4pm UK.
Register for the product briefing & demo here.
Learn more about Universal Access here.
Notes to the Media
About Preservica
Preservica is a world leader in digital preservation software, consulting and research. Our active preservation and access solutions are used by leading businesses, archives, libraries, museums and government organizations globally, to safeguard and share valuable digital content, collections and electronic records, for decades to come. These include the UK National Archives, the Met Office, Texas State Archives, Wellcome Library, Associated Press and HSBC, to name a few.
Available on premise or in the Cloud, Preservica’s award-winning digital preservation and access software is a complete, standards-based (OAIS ISO 14721) trusted repository that includes connectors to leading Enterprise Content and Records Management systems to ensure long-term usability, trustworthiness and preservation of vital digital records, emails and content.
Media Contact for Preservica:
Jennifer Reid +44 (0) 20 8296 1874 or +44 (0) 7920 012 356