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New version of Preservica simplifies digital preservation for libraries, museums and archives

Preservica has announced the latest release of its Digital Preservation and Access software, that further builds on its roadmap of making it seamless, automated and easy for libraries to ensure valuable digital content and collections are properly preserved and remain accessible for future generations.

October 15, 2015

Preservica v5.5 includes catalog synchronization with Axiell Adlib, automated ingest for PastPerfect content, and new core Digital Preservation support for camera and AV formats including DNG, EXIF and Cannon RAW.

Washington DC, US and Oxford, UK | Oct 14 2015 | Preservica, a world leader in digital preservation technology, research and consulting, has announced the latest release of its Digital Preservation and Access software, that further builds on its roadmap of making it seamless, automated and easy for libraries, museums, archives and leading businesses to ensure their valuable digital content and collections are properly preserved and remain accessible for future generations.

Using Preservica’s proven catalog synchronization framework, v5.5 now includes support for Axiell Adlib. This simplifies the ingest and preservation of valuable digital content and enables institutions to maintain a single catalog view across both their physical and digital assets by automatically synchronizing catalog hierarchy and metadata between Adlib and Preservica.

Preservica already includes a synchronization module for Axiell CALM, which will be followed in the next release by support for ArchivesSpace (which is already available as a proof-of-concept in Preservica v5.4)

Preservica v5.5.also adds a new “out-of-the-box” connector for PastPerfect that enables museums to streamline and automate the bulk ingest of exported PastPerfect metadata along with digital content into Preservica for safe preservation for the future. This adds to connectors for SharePoint, Outlook, Gmail, Lotus Notes, DSpace and ContentDM.

In addition, in v5.5, Preservica has extended the product’s core digital preservation tools and capability – which already support over 800 different file formats and 300 migration pathways - to include the latest camera and AV formats such as DNG, EXIF and Cannon RAW. This gives institutions the flexibility to preserve the fidelity and authenticity of the original format as well as undertake migrations to newer AV formats if these become obsolete and to create lower-resolution presentation versions for user access.

Jon Tilbury, CEO Preservica adds “The valued input of our growing user community has driven these great new functions, all of which build on our roadmap of simplifying and automating digital preservation for cultural institutions. We are also excited by plans for our next release which will give institutions complete flexibility over how they arrange and structure their collection hierarchy in Preservica post-ingest. This will mean that by using our bulk upload tools institutions can quickly ingest digital content into Preservica for safe-keeping, and then curate and re-arrange it into different collections overtime.”

All Preservica Editions (cloud and on premise) will include the new functionality, and will be available to existing Preservica customers through their regular maintenance and update program.

New features included in Preservica v5.5 (all Editions)

  • Adlib Catalog Integration
    • Easily synchronize metadata between Adlib and Preservica
  • PastPerfect Export Ingest
    • Export Metadata from the legacy PastPerfect system and ingest with the associated digital objects
  • Support for DNG, EXIF, Canon RAW
    • Characterise, render and migrate three new image formats
  • Multiple UA Portals per tenant
    • Provide different content to different audiences through Universal Access
  • Enable Tools to have context base command line option
    • Fine tune migration results with direct access to tool command line options

Preservica are also running the following product briefing & demo webinars:
Preservica v5.5 Overview & Demonstration of Catalog Synchronization with Axiell Adlib
Thursday, 29th October 2015, 11am-12pm, EST, 3pm-4pm UK

Online User Group Meeting: v5.5 In-depth Briefing
Open to all Preservica CE, SE and EE users
Wednesday 21st October 2015 10-11am EST, 3-4pm UK

Notes to the Media

About Preservica

Preservica is a world leader in digital preservation technology, consulting and research. Our active preservation solutions are used by leading businesses, archives, libraries, museums and government organizations globally, to safeguard and share valuable digital content, collections and electronic records, for decades to come. These include the European Commission, the Met Office, Texas State Archives, Wellcome Library and HSBC, to name a few.

Recently named a “Cool Vendor” in Content Management by leading technology analyst Gartner, Preservica’s award-winning digital preservation and access solution is a complete, standards-based (OAIS ISO 14721) trusted repository that includes connectors to leading Enterprise Content and Records Management systems to ensure long-term usability, trustworthiness and preservation of vital digital records, emails and content.

Preservica is part of Tessella group, the international analytics, software services and consultancy company.


Media Contact

For Preservica:
Jennifer Reid +44 (0) 20 8296 1874 or +44 (0) 7920 012 356